Truly Texan Marketplace Directory logo with star

 Plus Texas events, places to see & useful information like how to pronounce Mexia and spell "Y'all"

Bringing Texas artisans online since 1998 

Terms of Use, Fine Print on Truly Texan


Truly Texan is an online mall.  While we endeavor to host only reputable, conscientious merchants, each one is an independent retailer and solely responsible for the quality of their product or service and the integrity of their business practices.   Truly Texan is not responsible for copyright, registration or licensing infringement of merchants' products displayed on this site.

Even though we know each of these merchants personally and they seem to be trustworthy and generally good people, Truly Texan cannot and does not guarantee the suitability of any product for its intended use or the billing or shipping practices of any merchant.

If you do experience problems with a merchant that you can't solve by dealing with that person, please let us know.  We will not get involved in any dispute; however, if your experience seems to be the norm rather than an isolated event, we may remove the merchant from our marketplace.

Thanks for stopping by!

Who does what and how to behave like an adult.


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Celebrating 25 Years Online!!

Happy Holidays!  It's time to get your flu shot (and those other vaccines), but meanwhile, it's a great time to shop online!

If you haven't visited us before, our goal is to promote Texas artists and provide interesting info about Texas and maybe a little history and cultural stuff, too.   So, browse around and if you know a Texas artist or crafter who needs a little more exposure, tell 'em about us.  

At Truly Texan, we don't sell anything.  We find Texas artists, craftsmen and companies who we think merit your attention - and business!  While some of the products are "Texas gifts", most of what you will see is simply designed by Texans who, oddly enough, don't actually eat, breathe and sleep Texas.

Thanks and have a great day and stay safe!

Showcasing Texas artisans and companies since 1998
* I do not accept everyone who applies.  In fact, over the years, I've turned down more applicants than I've accepted.

(512) 663-8575  (If you are a salesperson, please do not call me.  I fear I may be rude)

copyright 2023 C.C. Blewett   All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction allowed.             See my faves on my Amazon shop


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